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What Is DeFi? And What Are Some Examples?

DeFi defined and exploration of decentralization

In recent years, the term "DeFi" has become increasingly prevalent in discussions surrounding cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. But what exactly is DeFi (decentralized finance), and why is it getting so much attention?

Let’s delve into the concept of decentralized finance, discussing its definition, exploring the implications of decentralization, providing examples of DeFi projects, and examining its potential impact on the financial landscape.

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Understanding decentralized finance (DeFi)

At its core DeFi refers to a set of financial services and applications built on blockchain technology that operate without intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions. Unlike traditional finance, where transactions are processed and controlled by centralized entities, DeFi platforms leverage smart contracts and decentralized networks to facilitate peer-to-peer transactions, lending, borrowing, trading, and more.

One of the key principles of DeFi is its commitment to openness, transparency, and accessibility. By removing intermediaries and providing direct access to financial services, DeFi aims to democratize finance, enabling anyone with an internet connection to participate in global financial markets and access a wide range of financial products and services.

Sounds super cool doesn’t it? Even though it sounds cool, you have to use it to understand it. Crypto is a participation sport and DeFi is all about participation. You can’t understand crypto without using it.

DeFi aims to democratize finance, enabling anyone with
an internet connection to participate in global financial markets and access a wide range of financial products and services.

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Exploring decentralization: Is it good?

Decentralization lies at the heart of the DeFi movement, but is it inherently beneficial? Proponents argue that decentralization offers numerous advantages, including increased transparency, censorship resistance, and reduced counterparty risk. Without a central authority controlling transactions, users have greater control over their funds and can trust that transactions are executed according to pre-defined rules encoded in smart contracts. 

Remember 2008? As soon as you say “2008” it conjures memories of The Global Financial Crisis, which was not that long ago. 

Indeed Warren Buffett uttered one of his most famous quotes reacting to the crisis,

“Only when the tide goes out do you learn who has been swimming naked.”

The naked swimmers were all the financial institutions engaging in fraud, deceit and shenanigans. Those institutions are the gatekeepers, the counterparties and the ones standing between you and your money. The marrow of crypto and therefore DeFi is taking control away from gatekeepers and returning it to the end user. If you have a pulse, you should be clamoring with joy on the edge of your seat.

Key Takeaway

You can now choose to control you own assets. Crypto gives you that power.

Decentralized finance offers a range of potential benefits as well as drawbacks, which are important to consider for anyone interested in getting in the game. Here are some pros and cons of DeFi:

Pros of DeFi

Financial inclusion

DeFi platforms have the potential to provide financial services to individuals who are underserved or excluded by traditional financial institutions. Anyone with an internet connection can access DeFi services, regardless of their geographic location or socioeconomic status. The several billion unbanked people in the world can now bank themselves.


By removing intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions, DeFi promotes decentralization, which can increase transparency, reduce reliance on centralized authorities, and mitigate the risk of censorship or manipulation. Think about this as a win against the “good ‘ole boy network” who have been controlling banking for centuries.


DeFi platforms are typically open and permissionless, allowing anyone to participate in financial activities such as lending, borrowing, trading, and earning interest without the need for extensive documentation or approval processes. You can participate without asking permission. Just connect a Web3 wallet and off you go. Account setup, username and password friction have been eliminated.

Key Takeaway

You will never understand the miracle of connecting a Web3 wallet until you use it. Period. It sounds awesome but it won’t make sense until you connect.



DeFi encourages innovation by enabling developers to build and experiment with new financial products and services on open-source platforms. This innovation can lead to the creation of novel solutions to traditional financial problems. DeFi is like money legos where one project can build on and piggyback off another DeFi project in modular fashion. The more decentralized apps (dapps) are interconnected, the more value and financial tools are available to the user. Banks, on the other hand, typically don’t innovate and they all exist in silos. Financial institutions are TradFi or CeFi (centralized finance).


Key Takeaway

Banks compete against one another and stand alone whereas DeFi creates synergies when dapps build on one another.

Global reach

DeFi operates on blockchain networks, which are inherently global. This allows users to access financial services and interact with counterparts from around the world without the need for intermediaries or currency conversions. Bitcoin, cypto and DeFi are universal financial systems that always have one hop when value is transferred in contrast with an international wire or other remittance that could have 11 hops (11 different financial institutions taking their piece of the pie and creating unnecessary friction) on its way to a final destination. 


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Cons of DeFi

Security risks

DeFi platforms are vulnerable to various security risks, including smart contract bugs, hacks, and exploits. Unlike traditional financial institutions, there is often no recourse for users who lose funds due to security breaches, and recovering lost assets can be challenging or impossible. Risk is your primary game when you start playing with crypto.

Key Takeaway

The gift of controlling your own assets is coupled with the risk of losing those assets if you are NOT careful. This is a feature and NOT a bug.

Crypto eliminates gatekeepers (counterparty risk) but it introduces smart contract risk. Smart contracts simply execute money lego strategies as designed. If there’s a bug it will also execute the bug which is where the risk comes in.

Regulatory uncertainty

DeFi operates in a regulatory gray area, with laws and regulations varying significantly across jurisdictions. Regulatory uncertainty can create legal and compliance risks for DeFi projects and users, leading to potential regulatory crackdowns or enforcement actions. The permissionless nature and the joy of playing with DeFi is hampered by regulators who want to clamp down on the new technology. Some regulation is good but overreaching stifles technological innovation.

Volatility and risk

DeFi assets, such as cryptocurrencies and tokens, are often highly volatile, subject to rapid price fluctuations, and may lack the stability of traditional financial assets. Additionally, decentralized lending and borrowing platforms carry inherent risks, such as the liquidation of collateral positions in the event of price volatility. However, liquidation is programmed into smart contracts and you know the rules of the game in contrast to CeFi which is subject to the integrity of people.

Key Takeaway

Volatility is neither good nor bad, but people perceive it one way or the other. If you steer clear of crypto because of the volatility narrative you will completely miss the point and the opportunity.

Scalability challenges

Many DeFi platforms currently face scalability challenges, including network congestion, high transaction fees, and limited throughput. These scalability issues can result in slow transaction processing times and increased costs for users, particularly during periods of high network activity. Layer 2 networks and new blockchains are solving this problem so it’s more of a growing pain than anything else.

User experience

Despite recent improvements, the user experience of DeFi platforms can still be complex and unintuitive for newcomers. Interacting with decentralized applications is like an advanced course, but nothing that can’t be overcome if you have the right teacher.There’s a lot of chatter about how daunting crypto is for non-technical users, but this is all in the eyes of the beholder. It’s actually easy if you just build your crypto and DeFi skills in the right order.

While DeFi offers significant potential benefits such as financial inclusion, decentralization, innovation, fun and money-making opportunities, it also poses various challenges and risks, including security vulnerabilities, regulatory uncertainty, and scalability issues. As the DeFi ecosystem evolves, it’s essential to exercise caution when engaging with DeFi platforms and assets.

Key Takeaway

Never invest or play with more assets than you can afford to lose. You should approach DeFi and decentralized apps with an experimental mindset since many of them are new and unproven. DeFi can also be extremely fun.

Examples of DeFi projects

Numerous DeFi projects have emerged in recent years, offering innovative solutions to traditional financial services. Here are some notable examples: 

  • Decentralized exchanges (DEXs) allow users to trade a wide range of tokens directly from their wallets. Powered by automated market-making algorithms and liquidity pools, DEXs provide a decentralized and permissionless platform for swapping tokens without relying on intermediaries.

    • Osmosis DEX: Cosmos ecosystem
    • ORCA DEX: Solana ecosystem
    • Uniswap DEX: Ethereum ecosystem
    • Trader Joe DEX: Avalanche ecosystem
  • Borrow and lending protocols enable users to borrow and lend cryptocurrencies without intermediaries. By depositing assets into smart contracts, users can earn interest on their deposits or borrow assets against collateralized positions, all governed by transparent and algorithmically determined interest rates.

    • Aave: Ethereum ecosystem
    • Burrow Finance: NEAR ecosystem
    • Kamino Finance: Solana ecosystem
    • fi: Ethereum ecosystem

The future of DeFi

The rapid pace of innovation in the DeFi space suggests decentralized finance is no doubt here to stay. With growing interest from institutional investors, developers, and users alike, DeFi has the potential to reshape the global financial system.

DeFi is a major paradigm shift in the way we think about and interact with financial services by leveraging blockchain technology and decentralization. If you want to feel the power of DeFi you have to get in the game and see how easy it is to borrow against yourself on, for example.

One of Ben Franklin’s famous money quotes says:

"If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some...”

Just about every adult, especially in the U.S., has borrowed or attempted to borrow money for mortgages, loans and other lines of credit. It’s a paperwork-intensive, headache-inducing and time-consuming process, even if you put up collateral and borrow against it. Try to get a business loan and the process is even worse. This is where DeFi comes to the rescue for collateralized borrowing.

Going back to the example, simply connect your Web3 wallet, deposit ETH to a “Vault,” and abracadabra you can mint DAI stablecoin with a few clicks, no paperwork and no headaches. If you need cash, then send DAI (think privately issued USD pegged tokens) to an exchange and cash out USD into your bank account. It’s that simple.

Key Takeaway

It take weeks to months to borrow from a bank. In DeFi it takes 15 minutes. 


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