The Crypto Bullseye Blog™

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Weekly blog from crypto OG TheBitcoinCPA

How to Choose a Crypto Tax Professional (Part I) crypto tax Apr 07, 2023

The anatomy of tax return prep and where to start: The legacy tax approach

Let's examine the anatomy of tax preparation which is helpful when going through the process of choosing a crypto tax professional. Pre-crypto taxpayers either self-prepared tax returns or hired a professional. It's...

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5 Ways Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are Taxed crypto tax nfts Mar 20, 2021

Understanding the meaning of NFTs

Non-fungible tokens better known as NFTs are the hottest thing in crypto. 2021 may go down as the “Year of NFTs”. You may be wondering how are NFTs taxed?

Let’s start with the NFT meaning. Then we’ll discuss the taxability.



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2020 FINAL IRS Virtual Currency Transaction LIST crypto tax Feb 19, 2021

Everybody's favorite crypto tax question

The IRS issued the final instructions for answering everybody's favorite tax question:

"At any time during 2020, did you receive, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?"

  • Is it good news or bad news?
  • Are...
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GameStop, Goliath, Crypto Craziness & Golden Nuggets: Pt II crypto assets crypto investing Feb 05, 2021

Crypto craziness continues

In part one of this blog we talked about GameStop and related crypto craziness. WallStreetBets was David taking on Melvin Capital as Goliath. In this case David's stone was a short squeeze that almost killed the hedge fund.

The tweet and pumps spilled over into crypto...

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GameStop, Goliath, Crypto Craziness and a Golden Nugget: Part 1 crypto investing Jan 29, 2021

The Gamestop, Goliath drama

The past week in crypto, twitter, reddit and securities spheres is historic on a number of levels. The old saying you can't make this stuff holds true once again. 

I always say my life would be boring it wasn't for crypto and blockchain. The entertainment value is...

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A Few Gotchas: The 2020 IRS Virtual Currency Question crypto tax Jan 15, 2021

IRS virtual currency check-the-box for 2020

In our first ever Crypto Bullseye Blog where I talked about the virtual currency gotcha question for 2019. 

Guess what? The saga continues for 2020 and there are a few more twists to this ongoing tale. 

The "virtual currency...

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A Few Gotchas: The 2019 IRS Virtual Currency Question crypto tax Jan 08, 2021

The 2019 virtual currency check-the-box question

In 2019 the IRS added a virtual currency check-the-box question to Schedule 1 (a form that only some people need to file) forcing people to disclose crypto activity under the penalty of perjury. 

Here is the question at the top of...

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